The Research Associates’ Council is concerned with the TUM wide information and opinion making of all research assistants and research associates. It is open to all TUM researchers, lecturers and science management staff and currently consists of approximately 50 elected and coopted members. The Research Associates’ Council represents the interests and need of the TUM’s academic „Mittelbau“ – which includes all doctoral candidates, Post-Docs, research assistants, research associates and research managers – towards the TUM’s executive management, as well as within several commissions.
Everybody is invited to join the Council, for instance by electing the board members, by attending our regular meetings, working groups or discussing with us in our Wiki: . Meeting place, date and agenda are published on our page meetings. You are cordially invited to subscribe to our mailinglist, which will inform you about the current updates and deliver you our monthly newsletter. Both for subscription to the mailinglist and wiki access, please send us an email to